Thursday, May 05, 2005

Lunch diary

I went to the chemist in the morning to get an ulcer gel for the five ulcers that have appeared in my mouth. Three come from a basketball accident I had last thursday when my own teammate jumped on my back to get a rebound and somehow cut my lip. Two were from biting my own lip while trying to scoff down a pork roll on friday night. It now hurts. Sometimes even to talk. For lunch I went out to the Mandarin centre and got rice with beef and plum sauce, and vegetables. It tasted alright. Beforehand, I had put the gel on my ulcers and it hurt so much that I started crying out of one eye. This will be as good a lunch as I'll have all week.

I bought a loaf of bread (Helga's sunflower, honey and oat) for $2.50 and some cans of flavoured tuna, which were on sale for $1 each. For lunch I ate four slices of the bread with tuna that was flavoured with sundried tomato and basil. It tasted good. The tuna was good. The bread was really good. I didn't put on the gel this time because I don't want to cry anymore. Rolled up bread can be eaten from the side of the mouth so it doesn't hurt so much.

For lunch I had four slices of bread with tuna that was flavoured with tomato and capsicum. It didn't taste as good as yesterday. I'm not sure if it is because the bread is slightly more stale or the flavour of the tuna was inferior to the one yesterday. I also kept missing the side of my mouth and hit mu ulcers several times. One eye started to water but I did not cry.

My mouth still hurts. For lunch I ate four slices of bread with tuna that was flavoured with sundried tomato and basil. It tasted good but I suspect that it is fatty because I have that bad fatty aftertaste in my mouth now. Also, I guess it is correct that this flavour of tuna is superior to tomato and capsicum (note to self). After my second slice of bread, one of my workmates came over and stole a slice out of the bag. I know only have three slices left for tomorrow.

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