Thursday, September 08, 2005

Something for you

OK, here’s what’s been happening with me. At least since last Friday because my memory doesn’t really stretch beyond that at the moment.

So I was drinking. Oh yeah, I’d taken a couple of days off and then I went out on Friday and I was drinking. From about 6pm to 2:30am with about 2 hours eating break in between. And when I went home (around 4am), I started writing this simple 4-chord song on my guitar and it sounded ok. It was based on what we were talking about that night during drinks, which is the subject matter of most of my writing: Unhappy Guys.

So when I thought it sounded good enough (or as good as it would get at that stage of the morning), I went to bed afraid that I would forget it by the morrow.

In morning, first thing I did was play it again and I actually did remember it all. Except the thing is, something didn’t sound right. Then I realised that I had inadvertently plagiarised part of a Ryan Adams song in the important chorus bit.

The clarity of morning!

My chorus goes:

Now there’s just you
Only you
So I thank God
That I no longer have something for you

Ryan’s original goes:

Ask me that you’d like to know me well
But you already have
You already do
And nobody does
And I guess that says something for you

No, it’s not quite the same. And actually two very different subject matters. But well… let’s face it. It didn’t come from my head. And the original sounds better too.

Anyway, let’s skip the rest. Now I just wanna say sorry. Well maybe not sorry. I don’t know. No, yes. I am sorry. Sorry for my lack of sympathy. And understanding. Or just the simple pleasure of company. It’s not that I don’t care, but well… you know how it is. I don’t know if this is one of those ‘you know I’ll always be there if you ever need me’ talks. I hope not because that should be a given. It should be assumed. Although maybe not. Actually, looks, let’s just forget the explanations. I can’t It just is. And I’m blubbering crap.

I’m just… you know… sorry.

No songs or poetry tonight.

Just… yeah. That.


From Becky.

1) Total number of books you own?
Probably over a hundred. Not that I know where they all are. I’m a bad guesser. Could be less or more. If you include comic books, then it’s in the thousands. No exaggeration there.

2) What was the last book you bought?
Mysteries of Pittsburgh by Michael Chabon. He’s probably my favourite author. Wrote Wonderboys and the Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. He also probably is the biggest influence for the concept of my new website (plug). Unfortunately this book was a bit of a disappointment. I guess it was his first and all…

3) What was the last book you read?
Confederate General from Big Sur by Richard Brautigan. It’s good. I recommend it. Doesn’t make much sense. But it’s good.

4) List five books that are particularly meaningful to you (in no particular order) – that I can think of at the moment. Or 8.
1. Wonderboys by Michael Chabon
2. 1984 by George Orwell
3. Fight Club by Chuck Palanhiuk (who I just found out is gay)
4. Slaughterhouse V, Cat’s Cradle, Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut
5. American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
6. White Noise by Don DeLillo
7. The Outsider by Albert Camus
8. Model Behaviour by Jay McInerney

A similar list on a previous blog entry may have had different books in it. I can’t remember.

And Becky, again, Ros and Guil is NOT a book, dear.

5) Tag five people and have them fill out the list on their own blogs (if they can be bothered)
1. Yui
2. Mey
3. Addy
4. Emily
5. Chi

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