Sunday, May 20, 2007

Two really badly-written reviews of sorts

I have no idea why the movie is called The Science of Sleep because I couldn’t spot any ‘science’ in it. But I think it would make a perfect date movie, except I wasn’t on a date, which is a shame I guess. But I still really loved the movie.

My friend wasn’t as enthused as I was about it. She said it was nice but there weren’t any memorable scenes in it. I must respectfully disagree. I can still picture lots of memorable scenes.

I think I have this soft spot for movies (or books or whatever) with weird, awkward (but well-intentioned) guys making a mess of their lives. I also really liked Punch Drunk Love and Benny and Joon, to name a couple. Characters like that make great feelgood stories to me.

Gael Garcia Bernal was brilliant in the role. I haven’t seen him in anything else, but I might check out his other movies now because it looks like he might be someone with a Johnny Depp-like scope for acting. He was entirely captivating.

The film’s story is almost completely improbable, chaotic and awkward. In real life, such a man would probably be institutionalised. But it works because it is about sleep and dreams and stuff. Think of it like the good dream to David Lynch’s nightmares. A lot of the humour (and actually, the insights as well) is very Vonnegutian.


It even has a White Stripes song in it.

I’m definitely buying the DVD at some point. You should see it too. It’s good.


Today I met Natalie, the Youtube vlogger star. She said she’s in the top 30 most viewed and has over 19,000 subscibers. To me, that makes her a star.

So I had a look at her vlog (communitychannel) tonight.

Well, I really can’t see the appeal with video blogging. I saw that lonelygirl one after I read about it in the papers (yeah, I know it turned out to be fake) and this one is pretty much the same format as that. Besides the fact that she’s pretty (so many comments like ‘communitychannel, your so HOT! – why do so many people get your and you’re mixed up?! It’s really not that hard, people!), I’m not sure why people would get all that interested in a stranger’s everyday life (OK, so she also dresses up, like as a school girl or an evil teacher, but that only explains her male stalker subscribers) or maybe I’ve just never really given it a chance. I guess people say the same thing about blogging. And I watch Home and Away and this is pretty much like a soapie. And her production quality is really good. And now that I’ve met her in person, I guess the whole thing becomes a little more interesting (even though I’ll probably never see her again) and I'll probably watch more. And a part of me is already thinking of ideas to make my own video blog (if I had a camera and more time and some video editing software). So it's probably all a really good thing. And I think I’m contradicting myself too much for one paragraph. So I’ll shut up and watch Heroes now.


Leesa said...

So is Community Channel really nice/cool?

Thanks for stopping by.

jodeska said...

You went and saw the movie??

You traitor!

Just joking- now I don't feel so bad.

How awesome is the song? I don't really know how I feel about the movie. It was really really about nothing.

However- I am inclined to make stuff out of felt.

xtn said...

yeah she's pretty cool. I haven't actually seen much of her videos...

Chip said...

Saw The Science of Sleep last night with Christina. It was such a frustrating movie!! He's a looney! :P But I wanted him to get together with her so badly. In the end we still don't even know if they do get together. I think I liked Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind better. In saying that I think it's still a very good movie.