Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How I made my way back to the computer

The iRiver has gotten me back to the computer. I have a hell of a lot of CDs and it's been really cool to go through all my old records (I'm old school) and remembering that I had forgotten how good some of this stuff is. I'd forgotten how good Eminem is. How good del Amitri is. How damn good Joan Osborne is. Most of these albums bring back memories of some sort. Of better or worse times. So it's been real good.

How it's bad is that now since I'm online I end up chatting to people on MSN til late. This is why I left the computer in the first place. I just wasn't getting enough sleep.

Oh well...

Here are two of my all-time favourite song lyrics (for cleverness, not meaning or sentimentality) that the iRiver has reminded me...

'They say love only comes once in a lifetime
Well once was enough for me
She was one in a million
So there's five more just in New South Wales'
The Whitlams

'Don't get so distressed
If the good life won't arrive
You've been seeing SOS
When it's just your clock reading 5:05'
del Amitri

And the chorus goes:
'We do not lie side by side
And mock the thought of you
And I don’t take her hand and ask
Is this what he used to do?
’cos I just want to free her from
Your jails of jealous dreams
’cos at least a house when it’s empty
Stays clean'

OK I'm losing you. None of you care. Let's move on...

da Vinci Code

I'm so sick of all this hype over the movie and the book. I've read it and it's fun and all... but is it worth all this? Has it changed my life? Well no...

I think it's extremely poorly written as a piece of literature. It's good pulp but it annoys me when people see it as something more important. There was zero character development. By the end, I stopped caring what happened to them....

And all that stuff about opening that thing without releasing the vinegar on the papyrus.... just freeze the damn thing and cut it open! Take out the papyrus and thaw it out. It all felt like a waste of time...
*end spoiler*

And what about the crappy romance right at the end... are you kidding?!

And the controversial bits... it was interesting but not really new and, in my opinion, does almost nothing to my Catholic faith. In fact, I haven't met anyone who's read it and said that it shook their faith. It's only one of many theories on Jesus, and if it were true (I personally think there's a high possibility that it is mostly true) it should surely change the history of things, but not the faith. Anyway.... I won't go into that right now.

Having saif all that, I'm still going to see the movie. It's got a great cast (any movie with Paul Bettany and Jean Reno and Audrey Tautou is worth seeing), good solid (if Hollywood-y) director. Should be a fun watch.

Close enough

I finally saw Closer. It was everything that everyone said it was. Intense, theatrical, messy. I really liked it. And my, has Natalie grown up...

Here's another thing. Jude Law plays a bastard so well that he does it so often and every time, I wish his character dead. That's an achievement.

You know the first time I saw Clive Owen was in a computer game. Privateer 2: The Darkening.

Anyway, I'm chatting to my cousin in Eindhoven now. So I'm off.

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