Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lynching like it's Salem 1692

It's like this.

BloggerA writes a very short comedic piece about losing her sunnies in a dept store and then buying some plates or something. And she names it after a James Blunt song.

Not long after, BloggerB also writes a very short comedic piece about losing something, except this time it's about an IPod, I think.

You know, it's that whole 'I can't live without something frivolous and superficial, so much so that I treat it like a real live loved one' thing that makes you sound hip. Whatever.

Oh yeah, and BloggerB also named it after the same James Blunt song. (Gotta love a sad-eyed crooner with a Castrati voice.)

So then BloggerA's next entry does everything but name BloggerB and publicly crucifies her (oops, did I just reveal her gender...) for plagiarism. This is followed by some chest thumping bravado (along the lines of 'You're messing with the wrong biatch') and Meet-the-parents-style threats (something like 'I'm watching you', 'Do it again and I'll name you!' or 'I know when you shower' or something).

This of course attracts the attention of BloggerC, BloggerD, BloggerE and other assorted minions who all chime in with virtual torches and pitchforks and cry the likes of 'You go girl!' and 'She did not just mess with this biatch!!! She did not! No way!' and 'If you two fight, that evil heathen plagiarist slut wouldn't last three seconds!'. OK, I don't think they said 'slut'. That was just for emphasis. Sorry.

(Aside: At this point, I'm imagining BloggerA to be a 6'4" professional wrestler from the Republic of Georgia. But no. I think she's a regular Korean girl. But that's still close. Same hemisphere...)

BloggerB (under the guise of 'Anonymous' - I'm sure someone else has used that same moniker before - plagiarism! Hang the harlot!) replies with 'It's a parody. Drop it' and you can almost see her crying with distress in her words. If it had been a hand-written note, it would have been smudged with tears. This is followed with more of the above cries and some more threats by BloggerA's minions, as well as extrapolating musings (like 'Gee, she's plagiarising now. Maybe she's also a dog molester.' OK, now I think I'm making stuff up but you get the point, right? Right? Come on!)

Next up to stir the pot, BloggerC writes her own take on this alleged crime on artistic integrity, which of course attracts the attention of the same minions (including an appearance by BloggerA herself!) and they all pretty much say the same comments they said on BloggerA's entry and 'Anonymous' again produces the statement that it was a parody and could everyone please freakin' drop the freakin' matter! (I think her hand was steadier this time. Or maybe she was so distressed that she got someone else to write it for her.)

And... that's where we pretty much stand.

And so it's my turn to chime in, since I need to have a say in everything frivolous.

OK, here it is.

Get ready...


There I said it. [insert smiley face with tongue sticking out and winking eye]

What is the big deal? Why the lynching?

Sure she plagiarised. Of course she did. And no, she has no idea what a parody is. But so what? No one is profiting from anything on any of your blogs. BloggerB certainly hasn't won any fans for her version (if number of comments is anything to go by). If anything, BloggerC made a good point. 'Why would anyone want to plagiarise a blog?' That's almost like going to the toilet and stealing someone else's dump and putting it in your own toilet bowl to make it look like yours.

But here's something that both BloggerA and BloggerC forgot to do. Ask her why.

What good is the bravado? What good are the threats?

This one is an absolute doosey...

We're watching you chick. Taking my web link off of your blog list doesn't change that. You know who you are, I know who are are, we have buckets of mutual friends and we've met once or twice so let's stop here before it gets awkward.

Before it gets awkward? Holy crap, that warning itself was one of the most awkward cringeworthy moments of my blogging career.

I really hate how so many bloggers are so self-righteous about stuff like this. Get over yourselves. This medium is the plankton excrement of literature. Who cares if someone copies you for absolutely no discernable form of personal gain? Just ignore them. Or look down on them or if you're curious (as I am), ask them why.

And on the other side of this very blunt coin ('blunt' geddit? geddit?), BloggerB, why can't you just acknowledge, apologise and be done with it? Claiming it's a parady is ridiculous. Farcical even! It's almost as bad a crime against the English language as Alanis' Ironic. Almost.

Isn't it a parody?
Don't you think?
A little too
Yeah, I really do think.
It's like copying
Someone else' blog
It's a .... etc.

Man, I'm all worked up about this now.

So much so that I will bring up something that I wasn't going to. Upon reading these blogs, I remembered something I wrote in my archives back in 2004. Here it is.

Goodnight my cover, goodnight my friend

I can only bring myself to blog about this now, thirteen days after the cataclysmic event that shook my life into a buzzy flubbering gas. Breaking up is not un-hard to do. I want to lock myself in a wardrobe and listen to Billy Ray Cyrus' "Achy breaky heart" on repeat, in slow motion, in reverse (it actually says 'Satan is my homeboy' if you do this), in karaoke style. Anything to elongate my past thoughts of you and of being with you. It feels like our trip ended before it started. I really miss you already. Word. I regret the terrible blogs I ever wrote on you and did to you. Why was I singing careless whisper, so cavalier about your level of wellness? The not-best thing is, I can't even isolate our break to a scientifically precise certainty. I only know that you pissed off there in Myer, like a brunted gullet, and I tried to comb over you, place you down. I was scared, afraid of what others would think of my lunatic-like behaviour but I was really wanting to find you and tell you how much I needed you in my life. After a long time, I was faced with no choice but to give up. It was time for you to leave. Rest in peace full head of hair. Hello receding hairline!

Posted by xtn on 29 February 2004, 2.34am

Compare for yourself. What do you think? Coincidence? I think not!

Oh, don't know where the original is? Um... I was gonna keep this anonymous... but... what the hell...

Here you go. Follow the links and have fun with it.

I know I did! [insert smiley face with... um... a big smile?]


Anonymous said...

Why do you care if your fellow bloggers are self-righteous, serial copycats, irrelevant biatches or like to pick their boogers with their thumbs? Wow. I know I'm a busybody who has a penchant for stirring and written diarrhea over curious human behaviours, what's your excuse for getting worked up?

Now for the painful truth, hold your breath don't cry, it'll be over soon. Bothering to write a couple hundred word rant on losers MAKES YOU A BIGGER LOSER. THE BIGGEST LOSER OF THEM ALL. Hurrah you just won the trip to Hawaii and the set of Samsonite luggage. Welcome to our loser world. It's a nice world, we aim to be all-inclusive.

Now go outside, make some friends, think happy thoughts and get a life asap. A wink and a poked tongue smiley face right back to you.


Anonymous said...



Whew. Brutal. But I expect no less from a card-carrying Catholic. Did you writher and foam at the mouth as you were writing this? [insert smiley face snigger]

I could say that you've made me so angry that forcing you to walk on nails over a treacherous Indiana Jones style bridge, alligators snapping at your heels then throwing you into a pit of boiling lava after having removed every follicle of hair on your body with tweezers and rubbing salt in the gaps IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH, but this is actually too funny to the point where I have audibly laughed out loud. Thanks for making my day!

You seem frustrated though and highly susceptible to bitching. Me and my gun-toting minions, like, have this like, weekly bitching session if you'd like to join. You could be like the only boy and we could dress you up in a curly wig and a pink chiffon dress?

Otherwise, thanks for the plug. All publicity is good publicity right? [insert smiley face with tongue sticking out and winking eye].

BloggerA (or is that BloggerB?)

Anonymous said...

ah, the ironies are tastier than a dripping wet box. delicious!

a rant about rants...

a parody of parodies...

a bitch just, well, bitching...

this is my sit on it and rotate face: _/\!/\_

jodeska said...


I don't know whats funnier, the 'controversy' or the comments.

Or your take.

Let's just say they all win.


sdlkfjsd;lkfweoif;jsdk said...

I laughed out loud fo'rizzle reading that.

xtn said...

Thank you! Thank you! I'm here til Thursday! *takes a bow*

Joeii, I think blogging is the ultimate winner here.

I wanna say how fitting it is that all this has come right after my Kurt Vonnegut entry, but I think I've filled my dickhead quota for one entry.

Now can we all just be friends?

Anonymous said...

maybe you should take up that offer to join those blogger biatches for a weekly biatch session. At least you can wear a wig and pretend that you have a full head of hair (and not have to pretend that you have a p3nis)

- Blogger 666

millimilli said...

hahaha! that was one hilarious post!

- milli (incidentally, i think i've lost my blogger password. oh, wait, no, what the? since when did blogspot merge with google?!)

jodeska said...

Still laughing....

xtn said...

Comeback strategies tally

xtn doesn't have a life:2
I'm a loser but xtn is the biggest loser:1
xtn is a catholic:1
xtn carries a card:1
'I'd be angry, except it's too funny':1
Spotting irony that xtn probably missed:3
Questioning xtn's masculinity:2
xtn is a bitch:2
xtn is balding:1
xtn may not really have a penis:1
Yui is a homosexual:1

Ben said...

Everyone needs to just calm down :)

If someone has copied their work, take it as a form of flattery. You are all intelligent adults - look at the dates if you really must claim who wrote what first.

That said, I haven't had so much fun reading a blog in a while. I might even give writing a go myself.

millimilli said...

isn't it for a good time, it's suntory time?

yui said...


for relaxing times, make it suntory time.

suntory time: t minus 2 hours.

xtn said...

Do you take your Suntory up the arse too?

Anonymous said...

"Hi, my name's BloggerC, and I'm a malicious minded midget. As you can see, my life is so full of rainbows and kittens and adjectives and because my life is so peachy wonderful but I like to live vicariously through my blog. My hobbies include villifying and terrorizing little girls for my own amusement (I miss high school) and stealing calorie-laden candy from cherubic pink-cheeked babies. Lollies are bad, mmkay?"

-BloggerC [smoochyface]

Anonymous said...

Even anon monikers get plagiarised nowdays! What has this world come to?! I could've sworn I was the only malicious gun-totin' midget BloggerC around here and I sure as hellz didn't leave that last comment! I definitely don't discriminate when it comes to terrorising little people, boy or girl. Get your facts straight before defaming my beautiful anon moniker.

Oh, and my life IS peachy wonderful. You got that right at least. But I don't like kittens.

- The (real) BloggerC, otherwise known as the gun-totin' minion of BloggerA.

Anonymous said...

would the real Blogger C please stand the fuck up.

xtn said..., you're the least funny of all the minions. I bet you don't even tote a gun.

PiCkLeS said...

ROFL i didn't realise you were still posting! my bloglines wasn't picking anything up. Anyway this cracked me up because I had read the originals before I saw this.