Sunday, April 22, 2007

Stuff about books and stuff

I have a problem.

I love reading books and I love buying books.

But I am such a slow reader that it takes me weeks (and sometimes months) just to finish one book.

So I have this huge backlog of books that I've bought and haven't read.

Actually, I have another problem.

When I read a good book, I find myself wanting to read other books of that ilk, so those outside that genre get neglected.

For example, after reading Jonathan Strange and Mr Norell, I started wanting to read other fantasy/sci-fi books before I realised that I don't really like books of that genre.

Generally, I like quirky books. At least I have for a long time. So if someone recommends to me, say, a book about the courage of two orphans as they escape from a war torn Middle-Eastern country to make a new home in America, I'm sure it's a very good book but it's not going to be high on my list.


If it's about the courage of two midget orphans as they escape from a war-torn Middle-Eastern country to make a new home in Las Vegas, it might pique my interest.

Anyway, here are the books that I already own that I haven't read yet and are top of the list:

Lunar Park (Bret Easton Ellis)
American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
Morphing the Blues: The White Stripes and the strange relevance of Detroit (Martin Roach)
The Final Solution (Michael Chabon)
The man who mistook his wife for a hat (Oliver Sacks)

Currently, I'm reading Chronicles Volume 1 by Bob Dylan.


jodeska said...

How boring - where's the controversy here?

I am so going to figure out where my copy of white teeth is for you...

Alvina said...

hey! the man that mistook his wife for a hat has been one on my to read lists for a long time too!

i don't own it, but everytime, well ok most times, i'm in a book shop i pick it up, flip through the pages and consider whether i should walk out of the shop with it. But then, like you, i realise the backlog of books i have home on my bookshelf, and end up not walking out of the shop with it.

hm.. the conundrums of a booklover's life....

Ben said...

I feel your pain - I actually bought a book about someone not having enough time to read all their books. But I avoided the ultimate irony by actually reading it.


sdlkfjsd;lkfweoif;jsdk said...

I don't have the man who mistook his wife for a hat (although I have read it and it is excellent) but I do have an anthropologist on mars, migraine, and island of the colourblind.

let me know if you want to bring any this weekend