Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I often sit in front of the computer trying to write a new blog entry and I just sit there and nothing comes out. It used to be I had to stop myself from writing. And when I read my old entries, I like them. I like them much better than these current ones. Try reading some of them yourself. They're good! The difference is, I think, now I write to say something. Whether to tell of how I’m feeling or what I did or whatever. It used to be that I would often write simply for writing’s sake. I think I used to value and enjoy playing around with words a lot more. I took more pride in my writing. The entries didn’t always work but at least I tried different things. I’ve since tried to start new blogs. To try to recapture that feeling. To get my old love back. But I think I’m burnt out. Something like that. Maybe I’m not as much of a try-hard as I used to be and that's, in a way, a good thing. But I miss that old try-hard me. He may have reeked of effort. But I thought he weren’t half bad.

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