Sunday, September 19, 2004

Flushing out the demons

All this weekend, I've been speaking to no one but the depressed or the depressing. So now by default I have to count myself as one of them. At least right now. Depression rubs off. I can't help it. The balance between contentment and depression seems so fragile these days. A whole lot of my friends are unhappy. With a whole lot of reasons. Most will probably name love/relationships as one of them though. And even the ones who don't seem depressed, all it takes sometimes is someone who is depressed talking among us and the floodgates start to open wide. There's a lot of anxiety among us.

I feel like rolling up into a ball and sleeping into next week.

One good thing is I got a good CD. Jesse Malin's Heat. It's good. Try it. Try Mona Lisa and Swinging man. Did I mention it's good?

Also, I heard that bits of this blog has now been read over the phone. I have no idea what to make of that.

Also also, I may have reason for some bitterness soon.

Of course I could get over this by tomorrow. I'm hoping this catharsis will help with that.

Screw this. I'm gonna go and read a book.

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